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Printed communication materials can be an effective way to deliver a defined message to a defined audience. If you have information to share with your audience, a brochure may be a great way to do it. We have designed effective brochures for restaurants, political campaigns, manufacturing companies, hospitals, furniture companies, service-oriented businesses and more. We have also designed and developed annual reports for organizations that connect their customers and supporters with the passion of their organization. An annual report can be a great way to share stories of success and to inspire support and encouragement from your audience.



Many businesses are attracted to e-commerce because having a website to sell a product can make it possible to reach a larger audience, sell twenty-four hours a day and increase sales through ease of access to information that supports sales. Solidus Design can create a website which can will let your customers take control of how they access your products or services. Our e-commerce solutions allow you to automate and streamline credit card payments, shipping cost calculations, and many areas of customer service and order fulfillment.



Solidus Design utilizes the latest and greatest of technology solutions to get your business seen and heard. With our constant focus on seeking out new and better ways to communicate, we are equipped to give you a solution that fits your business’s specific site needs. We can customize your website to include tools which can help you better manage your business and customers through data collection devices and statistics on usage. A good website delivers to visitors the information and services they are seeking, through an easy-to-use navigation and pleasing design.



There’s something about a well-designed logo that commands attention. How you present your company to your audience is a key step in communicating effectively. Your logo and identity can be a great first impression and an excellent reminder of your value to your customers.

1167 Hall St. SE   Grand Rapids, MI 49507   616.456.8560

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